Thursday, August 7, 2014

A New Blog---A New School Year!

 Our Family, Easter 2014

I try to re-focus our goals at the end of December and July. Since school is starting soon, it's a good time to start a new blog as that has been one of my goals.

The summer went so fast this year… faster than most … None of us are ready for it. But, since we have to face school, we might as well talk about it.

Our school:
CHAOS Training Center—Christian Home Academy of Scholars Training Center. It seems like a strange name, but it fits perfectly. Here’s why:

My husband and I were married November 9, 2008. It turned out to be “Chaos Never Dies” day. With combining two families, we knew that it would be true. We decided that we might as well take it and run with it. When we moved to our 5 acre farm, in November 2009, we named it Chaos Acres. It did turn out to be that. The house has some very interesting issues, our family components are ever-changing and just normal life has definitely made the name fitting. I figured we might as well name the school the same, but it took a conversation with friends and a lot of thinking to make CHAOS a positive name for a school. I think I did it and so there you have it… a brief history of our school.

Our mission statement:
In our home school, lifelong learning is an adventure. We desire to create a love of lifelong learning by teaching the whole child in a compassionate, relaxed Christian setting.  After learning their skills, we strive to challenge our students to use them to minister and impact the world as Godly, intelligent children and, eventually adults. Whether home schooling or supplementing public school our goals for each child are the same.

Our philosophy:
As parents, we begin educating our children from birth. We believe in educating the whole child-cognitively, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and physically, so they will become well-rounded adults. Play, movement, imagination and life skills are imperative parts of learning in young children.  They learn best by using all their senses, feelings and individuality in these areas. Children of any age should be able to express themselves through art, music, writing, drama, and movement, as they desire. Older children will master the required subjects, using themes of interest, as much as possible, but with their future plans a focus.  There are opportunities for child-led learning, while, guiding them in the direction of our learning goals. The physical environment of the home should be aesthetically pleasing with easy access to a variety of books, learning activities and real-life items. We learn as much as we can by doing, reading real books and living life. Through all of this, we desire to represent peace and respect within the family and community, by serving and mentoring others.

Our curriculum:
This year we have 3 public schoolers, 2 young homeschoolers and a post-secondary homeschooler.  Ha! Kinda sounds like a song. Public school starts August 19th, college classes start August 27th and our home school start September 2.

With this combination comes A LOT of prayer and preparation! For the first time, I now have 2 different school schedules plus a co-op schedule, along with doing school at home for three of the children, homework for the other three plus instrument practice and school/extra-curricular activities. Like I said, I’ve been spending a TON of time in prayer this summer. I know I will only be able to make this a successful school year with God’s help first, my husband’s support, and my children’s cooperation.

From summer adventures to school adventures...
On the way home from Cedar Point Amusement Park

The curriculum for each level I’m teaching is in a separate post and linked underneath. This post is already too long! Beyond this, I'm going to try to post each week what we did with more specifics.

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